Healing Your Heart After Pregnancy Loss

By Helen Abbott from BeyondPregnancy.com originally posted April 15, 1014 While many of us become excited about becoming pregnant and eagerly awaiting that positive sign on the pregnancy test, there is another side to pregnancy which is often overlooked and rarely spoken about. Today, nearly a quarter of all pregnancies result in the loss of the baby[1], often for...

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The ‘silent’ trimester: why are the first 12 weeks of a pregnancy shrouded in secrecy?

Why we need to talk about miscarriage and early pregnancy originally published via parentdish By Georgia James In theory, the first trimester of pregnancy should be one of the happiest and most exciting times in a woman’s life. But for many women it is, to quote Dickens, the best of times and the worst of times. Pregnancy hormones, nausea, fatigue and the...

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AFA Telephone Support Group: Dealing with Miscarriage and Early Pregnancy Loss

You’re Invited to a FREE Telephone Coaching Support Group  Wednesday, February 23rd    Dealing with Miscarriage and Early Pregnancy Loss  Many of us have persevered and stayed the course, becamepregnant only to be followed by loss with major set-backs,sadness and disappointment.  This FREE AFA TELECOACHING group...

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